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Events December and January

Just an observation but I´ve noticed theirs not many bars or restaurants posting there entertainment activities in the events section for December and January ? I understand there´s a large number of people on the urb going to Benidorm for Christmas and New Year, could this be a reason why the bars and restaurants are not putting on entertainment, if so whats going on for the people like us that are staying on the urb over the holidays, or is it the bars just cant be bothered to post there events on ASL ?

La Marina

I think it's slowly dying, barely anyone uses this anymore. I think it's been slain by the all conquering face book.

Commented Jodies Groom Room in La Marina 2015-12-23 07:17:48 UTC

Thanks for the reply Jodie, Ive been coming back to La Marina from the UK for the past few years and I've always relied on asl to find out what's going on so please could you let me know what are the best sites to find out where there is live entertainment

Commented Dell in La Marina 2015-12-23 09:17:20 UTC

I think a lot of the bars are in truble, business-wise...some not opening and guy who manages POSH is off soon after not very long...not surprising...don't know anyone who thought that would last...

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-23 10:44:03 UTC

Regarding your one and only fomment on this forum, are you informing us that Peter (the Manager of Posh is leaving) or are you saying Posh is closing down Or perhaps you mean both

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-12-23 13:53:38 UTC

I think it's slowly dying, barely anyone uses this anymore. I think it's been slain by the all conquering face book.

What Facebook page do you mean ?

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2015-12-23 14:27:59 UTC

Apparently the managers wife is saying her husband is leaving...don't know if the place is closing or not

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-23 14:33:02 UTC

That's what I would like to know 2nd casa , so I, and friends and family that are coming over to La Marina can find out what live music is going on.

Commented Dell in La Marina 2015-12-23 14:48:50 UTC

Dell, and 2nd Casa.I think you can get info. on Facebook regarding what entertainment is going on in LA marina, if you go onto facebook and then onto Keep Entertainment orLA marina Events, which normally give some info on Bars etc.and ifTania looks at the events she may see that Peter at Posh,Has put in his normally good piece about what shows are coming up including one at the end of January, So he may be leaving soon, as you claim, but if he is it seems the shows go on

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-12-23 15:27:50 UTC

Yo! Love Freddy Mercury! X

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-23 17:19:51 UTC

Hello Tania, I am not sure if you have been to The Posh Club recently, but I must say that we have enjoyed many evenings at the club over the last few months. The Chef is excellent, and Peter has worked very hard at The posh. Just because he has decided to take a break does not mean that the bar is not doing well. I know that Peter has booked and arranged evenings etc after he has left. I for one,have worked in the trade, and know how demanding it is and Peter deserves to enjoy his life with his family.

Commented heather19471 in La Marina 2015-12-23 17:24:05 UTC

Didn't say he didn't deserve time with his family! How did you leap to that from his wife says hes leaving. Personally, don't give a rats whatsit... POSH club is for oldies and Charity Nights... great if you like that sort of thing... live and let live and to each his own's what I say! Did you even read what I said? Ha ha!

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-23 19:34:39 UTC

Yes, I did read what you said, you were saying a lot of bars were in trouble and suggesting that Posh was in trouble!!! You are obviously not interested in the Posh, so why make a comment. All I am saying is that Peter has organised some good nights and raised a lot of money for charity, as well as arranging future dates. I believe that comments like you have made are not beneficial to making La Marina a happy place for people to come and stay, as well as getting people who have booked events at the venue worried. It may not be your idea of a good venue, but there are many people who enjoy going there.

Commented heather19471 in La Marina 2015-12-23 20:05:07 UTC

Perhaps it could be something to do with the live music problems that turn up throughout the year. Seems daft to give a potential timetable to the Police and professional moaners of when to call.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-23 23:08:12 UTC

Wow... talk about way out defensive! Ha Ha! Like I say, to each his/her own... Read something into that that isn't there if you must!

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-24 08:11:29 UTC

I am not having a go at you Tania, all I say is that all the negative comments that appear on these sites, make people worried, and that is when rumors start, which in turn does not make La Marina an attractive place. I know somebody who has booked their wedding at Posh, and I would not like to hear that they are stressed because people are implying that Posh is going out of business which is not true.

Commented heather19471 in La Marina 2015-12-24 09:05:01 UTC

I didn't mean any particular page I meant Facebook in general is becoming more popular than using these forums. And to the original poster it would be unfair of me to suggest a particular facebook group on this forum but they can be easily searched.

Commented Jodies Groom Room in La Marina 2015-12-24 09:38:34 UTC

My mistake Heather...thought this site was for people to express all their honest views and opinions...not to stick only to the feelgood, La Marina Tourist Board stuff. I don't think its for you to tell people which of their views they are and are not allowed to post, do you? For the third time...live and let live, eh?

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-24 11:18:05 UTC

I do live and let live, you do not know me, but I can also have my opinion!!!! I would not be rude about any where, I would not make a comment!!!! Happy Christmas !!!

Commented heather19471 in La Marina 2015-12-24 12:10:36 UTC

Hi Heather,
And to you and yours...God bless Jesus for giving us freedom of speech, eh?

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-24 12:34:30 UTC

Would that be classed as " La Marina gossip" on Facebook ?

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2015-12-24 13:09:43 UTC

Thanks for all your comments, my wifes now found the facebook pages for La Marina with all the entertainment on and we´ve now told everyone back home to look on there before they come out.
Regarding the Posh club its never really been our favorite place except when that guy that did the street party outside the Hogs Head with all the tattoos, he did a pool party at the Posh he was very good.
I´ve met Pete once or twice seems like a nice fellow, word down our street, and I´m probably the last to know not living here permanently, is he´s off to La Badega with some guy called Steve, so good luck to him, hope he brings in some really good live music.
Happy Christmas everyone.

Commented Dell in La Marina 2015-12-24 13:09:58 UTC

No 2nd casa it wouldn't. There are other pages dedicated solely to entertainment not idle gossip. Whatever the point is you are trying to make, spit it out!

Commented Jodies Groom Room in La Marina 2015-12-24 17:29:56 UTC

I was meaning take a look at La Marina gossip Facebook page, just a little hint nothing more nothing less it seems to have a good following with a mix of everthing

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2015-12-28 12:32:43 UTC

Happy new year to you all

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2015-12-31 13:45:54 UTC